Evaluation Modules
Provide computerized, standardized testing to increase the objectivity, accuracy and speed of data collection, documentation, reporting and calculation of impairment
E-LINK Evaluation Components:
- R500 Range of Motion Kit
- Evaluation & Impairment Calculation Software
- ESW Upper Extremity Evaluation Software
- ICSW Upper Extremity Impairment Calculation Software
- LSW Lower Extremity Evaluation and Impairment Software
E-LINK Evaluation Components
R500 Range of Motion Kit
Electronic goniometer for quick and accurate Upper & Lower extremities range of motion measurements. The goniometer is positioned on the joint. Data is automatically collected with the press of a button on the goniometers.
Special feature
- Combines precision electronic goniometers with graphical display/ documentation software
- Digital measurement: fast & accurate data collection (1 degree increments)
- With progress reporting and computerized documentation
The R500 includes:
- N300 Small Goniometer for fingers, hand, and wrist
- N400 Large Goniometer for wrist, forearm, elbow, shoulder, and lower extremities
- 2 Connecting Lead for attaching to the X4 InterX Unit - one standard length (1.8m), one long length (3m)
- Range of Motion (ROM) evaluation software:
- Automatic ROM data entry from goniometers - fingers, hand, upper and lower extremities
- Manual entry of ROM - neck and back
- Manual entry of ROM - tip to palm, thumb opposition, Kapandji opposition
Evaluation & Impairment Calculation Software
Provide standardized reporting with simple, fast data entry for generating clinical reports.
Special feature:
- Software to document manually collected data and test results
- Calculation of Impairment using the AMA (American Medical Association) Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (rev 4th and 5th editions)
- Automatic calculation of impairment saves significant time over manual methods and prevents calculation errors
- To obtain the complete Upper & Lower Extremities Impairment Rating
ESW Upper Extremity Evaluation Software
Comprehensive software documents the results of upper extremity tests and data collected manually, including some that factor into the Upper Extremity Impairment Ratings.

Report content:
- Test Sequence – allows the user to set up testing protocols
- Amputation – graphical documentation
- Coverage/comesis – graphical documentation of physical appearance
- Sensation Tests – graphical documentation of. Semmes Weinstein static touch pressure and Two Point Discrimination
- Outcomes Measures Documentation
- Activities of Daily Living Index
- Pain
- Manual Muscle Test - upper extremity muscles and functions
- Oedema – circumferential and volumetric
ICSW Upper Extremity Impairment Calculation Software
This software is used in conjunction with the H500 Hand Kit, R500 ROM Kit and the ESW Upper Extremity Impairment Software. Automatic calculation of impairment saves significant time over manual methods and prevents calculation errors
Report content:
- Peripheral Nerve Injuries (Sensory and Motor)
- Vascular Disorders
- Other Bone and Joint Disorders (Hand and Arm)
- Upper Extremity Impairment Calculation
- Clinical Reports
LSW Lower Extremity Evaluation and Impairment Software
Comprehensive software for documentation of manually collected lower extremity measurements and calculation of impairment increases speed and accuracy of data collection and reporting. To obtain the complete Lower Extremity Impairment Rating, this software is used in conjunction with the R500 ROM Kit.
Report content:

X4 InterX Unit
All modules require the X4 InterX Unit as the Intelligent Interface to connect the E-LINK evaluation and exercise components to the computer. Up to four E-LINK tools may be connected simultaneously allowing the user to easily and quickly switch between the components during an evaluation or exercise session. InterX connects to an IBM compatible computer via the USB port.
Literature support
Please click here for more information.
Free demonstration is available (Hong Kong and Macau)
Please feel free to contact us at +852 2416 8321 or via email info@deltason.com for further information and quotation.