Rehab-Robotics joined IISART 4th General Assembly

At the occasion of its 4th General Assembly, the International Industry Society in Advanced Rehabilitation Technology (IISART) was able to look back to an other successful year of the society and to discuss the upcoming activities for 2015. Rehab-Robotics Company has been a member of IISART since 2013 and three representatives from our company were presented at the General Assembly. In total 24 representatives of the member companies were present at the General Assembly which took place on November 13, 2014 in Duesseldorf. Among other topics, the General Assembly has decided on the approval of its new members and is proud to officially welcome the following new full members to its society:
- BKIN Technologies
- Hasomed GmbH
- Biodex Medical Systems, Inc.
- Bioservo Technologies
- Virtualware Group
Furthermore, the General Assembly has agreed on the participation at the first common congress of the International Consortium for Rehabilitation Technology proposed for 2017 in London. The General Assembly has decided that IISART shall have its first own conference part (for example under the “INRS” brand) at the occasion of the congress. The working group promotion will be taking over the responsibility to align and coordinate this great opportunity to bring IISART to a new and higher level by having its own conference in London in 2017.