ScriptPro - Robotic Prescription Dispensing Systems
As a pharmacist, your patients rely on you for advice on their medications. A time crunch can be a real threat to your ability to provide the health care services they need and want.
ScriptPro’s robotic dispensing systems help community and ambulatory pharmacies solve the problems pharmacists face every day in busy and complex practice settings. It’s time to automate with ScriptPro dispensing technology.
ScriptPro’s SP 50 robot is a proven and reliable prescription dispensing system that automates the repetitive, manual dispensing tasks most subject to human error.
SP 50 robot dispenses tablets and capsules of all shapes and sizes into standard pharmacy vials. Because the system fills directly from the dispensing cells, there is no drug cross-contamination.
SP 50 robot also prints and applies the prescription and auxiliary labels, and delivers uncapped vials for final inspection and on-screen drug image verification. Barcodes are used throughout the process for accuracy and quality control. Pharmacy staff manages the dispensing process from prescription entry to approval of the finished product.
SP 100 Robotic Prescription Dispensing System

ScriptPro’s SP 100 robot automates the repetitive, manual dispensing tasks most subject to human error. SP 100 robot interfaces with the pharmacy computer system to fill, label, and deliver up to 150 prescriptions per hour. The system contains 100 universal dispensing cells, which are easily calibrated by pharmacy staff on-site. It also has three vial dispensers or two bulk load vial dispensers, and a control center, which is available in three sizes to fit your pharmacy needs.
SP 200 Robotic Prescription Dispensing System

With the SP 200 Robotic Prescription Dispensing System leading the way, ScriptPro offers a complete line of pharmacy technology that allows pharmacists to provide higher levels of patient care while controlling dispensing costs
SP Unit Dispenser (SPUD)

Based on dispensing instructions from the interfaced pharmacy computer system, SPUD locates the correct medication from one of the product conveyors and delivers the item to the pharmacist for dispensing. The pharmacist scans the manufacturer’s barcode, confirms that the correct product has been dispensed and applies the label (including auxiliary labels) to the package. SPUD automatically loads products to reduce inventory management and eliminates pick-and-place dispensing errors.
SP Automation Center (SPace)

SP Automation Center (SPace) is a compact robotic system that combines prescription filling, labeling, verification, and dispensing for tablets, capsules, and unit-of-use medications at one workstation. It literally organizes all dispensing steps within the operator’s reach.
Please feel free to contact us at +852 2416 8321 or via email for further information and quotation.