XT Anesthesia Workstation
This automated anesthesia medication workstation securely stores all the medications and supplies needed for a full day of cases in one convenient place and automatically tracks inventory used, cutting hours of manual documentation.
- Customizable Virtual Kits
- Work Drawer Concept for operation
- Single-Dose FlexBin drawer available
- Emergency Break-away System
- Syringe Lablel Printer (Optional)
- External Return Bin (Option)
Typical Drawer Choice
A variety of drawer types offers varying degrees of security. A few examples are shown here.
(The cabinet do not includes drawers, drawer shall be charge independently.)
Easy access to medications
- Optional emergency break-away bar
- Capacity to meet the all day’s case load
- Single-Dose FlexBin drawer available
Improve medication safety
- Safety-Stock
- Integrated syringe label printer
Fully customizable drawer configurations
- Anesthesia drawers
- FlexBin Drawers
- Locking Drawers
Please feel free to contact us at +852 2416 8321 or via email info@deltason.com for further information and quotation.